Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Another LHN Finish

Last week I took a break from exchange stitching and finished off Season of Hope. I'm probably going to frame this and Season of Plenty to hang in my computer room. I've really enjoyed stitching these LHN designs, but I'm now going to concentrate on getting some of my other WIP's or, should that really be UFO's, finished. At the end of last week I picked up Bourton-on -the-Water again. I haven't worked on this for some time now, but as I only managed a few stitches on it you wouldn't really see the difference, so no pictures yet. I'm now back to my exchange stitching, one I'm really enjoying, but the other one I'm struggling with, but I won't say any more about that. Anyway here's the photo of Season of Hope.

LHN Season of Hope
28ct Antique White Jobelan
DMC threads as given

I really must thank Karan for giving me the "I love your blog" award. I'm sorry, Karan, that it has taken me so long to get around to doing this publicly. I really can't single out any blogs in particular as I love all the ones I read, I wouldn't read them otherwise, would I? So I'm sorry, but I'm going to pass on nominating any, it's for everyone whose blog I read.

Many, many thanks to everyone who left me a comment on my last post, they really mean so much to me!!

Lastly, the new header photo is of my Stargazer lilies that are now flowering in pots in my garden, aren't they lovely? They smell gorgeous too!


Anonymous said...

Lovely finish Nicola!

Erica said...

What a beautiful finish Nicola!
You will certainly enjoy that again when next March rolls around!

Clare said...

Nicola the lillies are stunning - the LHn isn't bad either!!!!!!!

Your rather damp northern friend


Anonymous said...

Lovely finish Nicola and I love your new header photo.

Ginnie said...

Great stitching. I'll be interested to see Bourton on the Water, it is one of my favourite places to visit.

staci said...

Very pretty finish, congrats!

Rowyn said...

A sweet finish Nicola.

Karan said...

Lovely LHN finish & those lilies are stunning!
No worries Nicola - I was terribly slow at letting folks know in the first place. :0)
Looking forward to seeing an update of Bourton.

Andrea said...

Great finish.

Becky K in OK said...

Great finish. I have that chart in my stash. Gotta finish it. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Olga said...

Congratulations on the lovely finish! Your Lilies are just gorgeous!

Carol R said...

Lovely finish Nicola.

Edgar said...

You have had some great finishes !!!!

Sue said...

Congratulations on a really pretty finish ;)

Stitchingranny said...

I officially know i have too many charts now lol. While searching for charts with houses on I found I had Garden Pleasures too - completely forgot I had that lol.

Season of hope is lovely.

See you tomorrow.

Carol said...

Beautiful finish Nicola! And I was just ogling your pretty NR for Marion too! Awesome job!!

Julie said...

Great finish, love the header pic too