Wednesday, 1 October 2008


Here, as promised, are the pictures of the WIP's that I have been working on recently. The first is Blackbird Designs "Their Song". I've been stitching the words in the top part of the design. I may go back though and unpick some of the cherries in the tree as I have misplaced them by half a stitch and it will throw the backstitched stems out.

Next is L&L's Celtic Christmas. I hadn't stitched on this since February of this year and, when the Celtic Lady SAL was re-launched at the beginning of September I thought I ought to get her out again. I admit that I've only stitched on her for a few days, as to start with I was busy finishing off with my exchanges. Hopefully from now on she'll get worked on a bit more.

This is where I'm up to with Derwentwater's Bourton-on-the-Water. I've been stitching the tree which is gradually nearing it's full growth.

Finally, this is the new start that I felt like treating myself to when Keith was away overnight a couple of weeks ago. It's Prairie Schooler's Daffodils. Seems like a good idea to be stitching a Spring design in the Autumn.

I do have some exchange stitching to show you but, as Blogger wouldn't let me upload any more photos, I'll leave that until after my holiday. I'm off on Saturday for a week, staying in the same cottage as before in Swaledale in the Yorkshire Dales, so I'll see you all when I get back.

Just before I go though, many thanks to you all for reading my blog and for all the lovely comments that you leave. I've seen some new names, welcome to you all, and I do hope you'll come back for another visit.



Nic said...

Great looking WIPs :o)

I think with the BBD - I'd rejig the backstitch rather than frog the cherries :o)

Anonymous said...

Nic said what I was thinking re: Their Song - could you fudge the backstitch to fit? I guess it depends on how much it would bother you, but I really don't think you would notice once it was all finished and framed :)

Anonymous said...

have a great holiday.. i love all your wips they are all looking great. well done.

Sally said...

I love all your WIPs, Nicola, but especially Their Song. This is such a gorgeous BBD piece.

Sherry said...

Love all your WIPs. You will have some beautiful pieces when finished!

Julie said...

Great progress on all your WIP's, the colours in celtic are superb.
Enjoy your hols

Sharon said...

Nicola, your projects are looking great!

Anonymous said...

Your wips are all coming along splendidly; I especially love "Their Song" it is one of my favorite designs.

Anne S said...

YOu have some beautiful WIP's in progress there - look forward to seeing more as they gradually grow :) Hope you have a wonderful holiday too :)

Ranae said...

Have a great time. All your stitching is looking great. You will have some fabulous pieces when done.

Rowyn said...

You have lots of beautiful projects on the go there Nicola.

Have a wonderful week away.

Veronica said...

Your needle has been smoking. And everything looks great. I especially like Their Song. What fabric are you stitching it on?

Karan said...

Those WIP's are just lovely Nicola - I especially love the BBD piece.
Have a great holiday - hope the weather is kind. :0)

staci said...

Really beautiful stitching on everything!

Olga said...

So many WIPs and your stitching is pretty. I think the cherries in the BBD look fine, it can be a piece with a personal touch.
Have a nice holiday!

Andrea said...

Some great WIPs there on your list. Have a great holiday.

Paula said...

Nicola your stitching is gorgeous. And I love your Celtic Christmas...

I'm thinking the same as a few of the ladies who have commented....rather than unpick the cherries could you maybe rejig the backstitching to make it all fit? I'm sure it would still look perfect.....

Happy stitching....

Elisa said...

All your WIPs are looking fantastic....:O)

Dani - tkdchick said...

You've got some fantastic WIP's on the go!

Stitchingranny said...

Some great progress pics there and its lovely to see Bourton again.

Hope you and Keith have a lovely time in your hidden cottage and hope the lamp means that you get lots of stitching done. Have a nice cream cake for me and we will arrange a meet up when you get back.

Solstitches said...

Some lovely WIPS here and your stitching is beautiful.
My favourite is the Blackbird Designs Their Song.