Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Daffodil Sampler and Acorn Hill Updates

Apologies for the lack of posts and comments from me lately. I've been in somewhat of a blogging slump which I'm finding difficult to get myself out of. I have been stitching though and here are two progress pictures, firstly of PS Daffodils Sampler.

Secondly, this is how Acorn Hill is progressing.

I'm now stitching a Christmas ornament in this weeks challenge on the Let's Stitch blog. I was lucky enough to win a copy of this years JCS Ornament issue in a draw that Carol had recently, and I'm stitching Prairie Schooler's Snowy Night ornament from it. I won't be able to finish it this week though, as I need to get some more thread for it and won't be able to do that until the weekend. I've also been naughty and ordered Prairie Schooler's Santa's and Snowmen ornaments chart from Down Sunshine Lane today, as I've got the ornament bug and these are just gorgeous.

Many thanks, as usual, to everyone for reading and commenting on my blog despite me going AWOL.



Carol R said...

Great starts Nicola. I look forward to seeing your ornament

Anonymous said...

You're making great progress on both pieces Nicola :)

Julie said...

Lovley progress on both pieces. I was looking at PS charts this week too ... i've resisted so far LOL

Hope you soon feel brighter Nicola.

Laura said...

Both of your WIPS look great. I like the ornament you have chosen to stitch, and look forward to seeing yours.

Clare-Aimetu said...

Great to see you b;logging again - I missed your updates.

Your stitching is looking good. Looking forward to seeing your ornment.

Cindy F. said...

you really have made great progress on both!
Love the PS ornaments charts. Those will be fun to stitch!

Edgar said...

What super progress!!

Stitchingranny said...

Both of these look lovely Nicola, of course by the time I see them on the 8th they will be finished I know (lol). Will look forward to seeing the ornaments too.

Olga said...

Your both WIPs look great and your stitching is so neat!

Rowyn said...

Great new starts. Enjoy your time away visiting your parents and MIL.