Friday, 21 November 2008

Going South

Well, my stitching is all packed, got my priorities right there then! Will do the rest of the packing later or in the morning. We're off mid morning tomorrow down to the South coast to visit my parents and my MIL for the week. Before I go though, I'd just like to thank everyone for their lovely comments on my ornament. (Hope to get another started during the week, but don't know how much I'll get done as I expect to be out and about a bit.) I'd also like to say how lovely it is to see lots of new people following my blog. Please, do leave a comment, it would be great to get to know you.

'Bye for now, see you all in December.



Sally said...

Have a great time Nicola!

Olga said...

Happy journey Nicola!

Clare-Aimetu said...

Have a great time Nicola

Anonymous said...

Have a lovely time Nicola.

Anonymous said...

have a great time!

Stitchingranny said...

bye bye have a nice week and yes I will look forward to seeing you in December.

Andrea said...

Have a great time, wrap up warm!

Cindy F. said...

Have fun:) I hope the weather is good for you!

Julie said...

Have a wonderful time

Colette said...

Have a great week Nicola, speak to you soon
Hugs Colly

Karan said...

Hope you're having a good time Nicola. Look forward to seeing what you stitched whilst away. :0)

Dani - tkdchick said...

Have a good trip, and stitch lots!

Stitcher said...

Hope you had a great time. And you're back to blogging soon. Missing you, hope all is well.