Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Busy, busy,busy!

A couple of people have said that they have missed updates from me. The reason for this was that the week before last, as many of you know, I was away. Then last week I was busy making Christmas cards, of the non-stitched variety. I was also busy stitching up an ornament from Prairie Schooler's Santa's and Snowmen that I had started while I was at my parents. I didn't think it worth posting a WIP picture and in fact decided to wait until it was "finished" into the ornament before posting. I stitched it as last weeks weekly challenge on the Let's Stitch blog, and intend doing another one this week as the "Anything Christmas" challenge will continue until Christmas. I used the Prairie Schooler method of finishing using green felt for the backing and a matching cord hanger that I made myself from DMC 895.

Prairie Schooler Santa's and Snowmen
32ct linen, unknown colour, maybe Summer Khaki-ish
DMC threads

I also "finished off" the PS Snowy Night ornament in the same way using DMC 815 for the cord hanger and cranberry felt for the backing.

Yesterday I had a rare day out. I went to visit Helen for the first time at her home. (We had met up before, but at a garden centre.) She very kindly met me off the train, and after a coffee at her place we went off to visit Colette for lunch, and the rest of the day. We had a really good time, eating, chatting, laughing, but not one stitch did any of us do! I did come home with some stash though, one of Colette's designs called Autumn Tile. Thank you so much, Helen and Colette, it was a fantastic day, if I did arrive home a little wet due to the horrendous rain!

I now have to thank Edgar, because if it had not have been for his wonderful Prairie Schooler Old World Santa ornaments that he stitched and that I saw on his blog, I would not now be the proud owner of yet another PS chart!! (LOL) Yes, I know I'm a lost cause, but these charts are just so lovely I can't resist them.

Many thanks for all your comments, and a warm welcome to all new readers.



Ginnie said...

Love those ornaments, I like the way they are finished on the felt background... I must try that.

Carol said...

Those are both so beautiful, Nicola!!

staci said...

Gorgeous ornies!!!

Julie said...

2 lovely ornaments, they look lovely.

It's nice to meet up with friends, i met up with another stitcher last week for the 1st time.

Laura said...

Beautiful Prairie Schooler ornaments! I like the finishing with the felt.

Mylene said...

Beautiful ornamnets. I Love them!!

Cindy F. said...

Your ornies are sooo pretty! Great finishes:)

Stitchingranny said...

I had a lovely day to Nicola and I like the new chart you got from Colly (wink wink lol).

Sorry to hear to got wet on the way home. I got back just seconds before Keith walked in the door so that was perfect timing.

Look forward to seeing you again soon.

Kathy A. said...

That is such lovely stitching and so tiny! And to meet Helen - how cool. I would love to meet the two of you some day.

Sally said...

Both your PS ornaments are lovely Nicola. I think I may have to invest in the Santas and Snowmen leaflet myself!

Olga said...

Both Ornaments are so lovely!

Andrea said...

Both ornaments are wonderful.

Karan said...

Lovely ornies Nicola. Sounds like you all had a great time. :0)

Anonymous said...

Those look absolutely beautiful. You do such lovely work. Glad to see your post. Put a smile on my face. Take care!

Colette said...

Your ornaments are beautiful Nicola and even more so in the flesh. I think I may have a go at finishing some like this.
Hugs Colly

Carol R said...

Lovely ornaments Nicola!

Sonda said...

They both look great!

Lynn B said...

Love the ornies!