Friday, 5 September 2008

"In Praise of the Needle"

I learnt today that Marion has received the needle roll that I stitched for her in the Hooked on Exchanging needle roll exchange. It was only the second one that I've made and I stitched Aion Designs "In Praise of the Needle" with some modifications. I substituted the pinks in the design for violets - DMC 3743, 3041, 3042. The lettering was stitched in 3740 instead of 3835, I thought this a more pleasing colour scheme that fitted with Marions likes and also toned together well. I also used white Mill Hill beads 40479 instead of the recommended cream ones. I also sent some extras but forgot to take a photo of those. You can see what I sent over on the HoE blog.

Aion Designs "In Praise of the Needle"

32ct Antique White Jobelan

DMC threads

Mill Hill beads

Many thanks for all your wonderful comments about "Season of Hope".


Anonymous said...

It's so precious, great work!

Anonymous said...

It's really pretty Nicola, you did a great job.

Ranae said...

Beautiful needleroll!!!

Julie said...

A wonderful gift, i love the changes you made to it

Anonymous said...

ooh! I love the needleroll, so pretty, lovely stitching and finishing. I really need to have go at one of these

Veronica said...

Pretty needleroll. I like how the green ribbon matches the floss. Great job!

Sally said...

ooh I love that Nicola. It's gorgeous.

Season of Hope is really pretty too:)

Anne S said...

Your needleroll is absolutely stunning! Great job :D

Andrea said...

Wonderful stitching. I do like your colour scheme. I stitched this ... a few years ago now for an exchange ... I could never part with the pattern though. it's so pretty.

Clare-Aimetu said...

It's a beautiful needleroll Nicola :)

Mylene said...

Simply a beautiful needleroll, Nicola. Well done!!

Stitchingranny said...

wow another really pretty one Nicola.

Had a lovely time on Saturday. How is the light?

Karan said...

Oh this is so pretty Nicola - love the colour changes you've made. Lucky recipient! :0)

Chiloe said...

It's beautiful !!! Congrats on your finish ;)

CJ in OK ;-) said...

Very pretty, I like the color changes. CJ(ok)

Olga said...

The needleroll is absolutely beautiful! Great Job!

Edgar said...

That is a gorgeous needle roll!!!! great job!!!!!!! I like the changes and substitute colours also!

Carol R said...

Beautiful needleroll!

Anonymous said...

the lillies in your header is great they look so pretty .. and your needle roll looks stunning it sounds like you made your own colour scheme for this but i dont blame you as i often do that to sort the person or because i dont like it. well done.

Deanne J said...

Beautiful needleroll

Olga said...

I love your needleroll, it's so pretty!

Sharon said...

Very pretty needleroll! Congrats.

CJ in OK ;-) said...

Lovely finish, congrats. CJ(ok;-)

Dani - tkdchick said...

Wow Nicola that's beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

I have seen many needle rolls but not yet done one myself, your is wonderfull,
Thankyou so much , a great blog,
Take care